Sunday, August 01, 2010

Opportunities Knocking

It seems hard to believe that this blog hasn't seen an entry in two years. Yet again, it shouldn't surprise me too much as I've been under scrutiny and in almost constant defense mode for the last year. That doesn't lend itself to creativity or self expression.

I will spare the details of the cause of the decline in creative expression and go straight on to the positive transition(s) at hand.

I was freed from my obligation to report to work at IQAir daily as of last Monday (7/26/2010). While it was shocking and involuntary, the turn of events has led to introspection, improved morale, optimism, creativity, and an opportunity to reinvent the next phase of life for me. I like the idea that all things are possible now. What I like somewhat less is wondering when I might see another payday.

For now, I am going to work on faith, trust in divine right order and properly presenting the unique abilities I have developed over the years to open the door to my next professional opportunity. I will soon find a position where I make a positive creative contribution and am compensated generously to do that which I do best.

Alongside this professional crossroad, I find myself at a romantic crossroad, too. This past year has been a learning experience on the relationship front for sure! Again, I'll spare most of the details, but say only that I find myself in a really good place and more ready than ever to share my life with a true partner.

My soul has repeatedly cried out for a whole, sweet, sincere, spiritual, honest, intelligent, compassionate, complex, witty, affectionate, emotionally expressive and truly available man. That having been said, this last Thursday I had what I'd probably call the best first date of my life (and I've had more of those than I ever wanted to). I know I have the propensity to accentuate the positive almost to a fault, but the possibility of fruitful relating in this new muse is astounding. I'm excited to see how things naturally unfold, and affirm divine right order in this area of life as well.

I'll take what I've learned on accepting (even embracing) another for the qualities they uniquely present. I have grown to appreciate the beauty of being individual over these past few years. I believe I can use that growth to make the very best of this new opportunity to share in the creation of a relationship as I (we) have never known before. Who knows, but maybe our puzzles have found the missing piece. I have to go answer the doors...

And there you have it.

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