Monday, January 10, 2011

Psycho Killers, Politicians and the Press

I cannot resist comment on the man who was able to buy a gun and shoot some twenty people at close range in broad daylight (one, apparently intentionally) in a paranoid, premeditated rampage.

The one he meant to kill is hanging on by a thread while everyone and their brother recounts what it all may end up meaning.

Six other human beings died and 14 more were directly injured. They all had families, life stories, and hearts and ambitions. How is it that we have to find reporters on EVERY one of the 1,000+ available television channels yammering on about which political party is more to blame? What about examining what we can and should do for these people? They will never be the same again.

I know, let's talk with other lawmakers and find out how they plan to protect themselves now. Let's take down our obvious gun sight cross-hair marks on maps, and erase our comments about how certain politicians who don't agree with our agendas are "dead to us" and act like we we wouldn't even have considered making veiled violent allusions. That will surely make all the families who have lost someone they love vote for the proper candidates in the next election, right?

Aaargh! No wonder I have taken such an apolitical stance my whole life.

I don't get it. I don't get people who can carry a gun and carry out a murder (especially of innocent bystanders). I don't get politicians who will say whatever works for the moment and then hold other politicians' feet to the fire for doing the same thing.

How does anyone subscribe to or defend such inscrutable actions? The gunman, the press, the politicians, and then, in a herd mentality, the general public. Everyone rides the wave without looking at what's really wrong with the whole picture. I'm not playing.

And there you have it.

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