Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Happiness Inside Out

Too often, we sweat the circumstances, retell unpleasant tales, buy our own drama, get caught up in doing and forget the art of being...really being all we were created to be. I know when I do those things (somewhat more regularly than I care to admit) my energy fades, self doubt and negativity creep in, fears and self-inflicted limitations seem real and ominous. It's at those times, I must remind myself to turn inward and reject delusions imposed by the phenomenal world.

Anyway, I found this tidbit today and want to share it here with any (both) of the people who may read this infant blog. When I take the time to consciously incorporate these things into daily life, I feel enriched and transformed. Which begs the question, "Why would I ever stray from such an effective practice?" Anyway, here it is:

Be Aware/Stay Awake
Practice Yoga
Chant and Sing
Breathe and Smile
Let Go/Forgive/Accept
Cultivate Oneself/Enhance Competencies
Cultivate Contentment
Cultivate Flexibility
Cultivate Friendship and Collaboration
Lighten Up
Celebrate and Appreciate
Give Thanks
Walk Softly/Live Gently
Be Born Anew

from Awakening The Buddha Within by Lama Surya Das

I really do believe we manifest the life we deserve by starting inside, cultivating divine love, peace, contentment, faith, understanding, gratitude. We can't expect to find all that outside ourselves and magically be happy, or successful, or loved. The world of matter will continually disappoint because it is filled with delusory sense pleasures offering limited and temporary satisfaction. I guess it serves as a constant reminder that happiness really is an inside job, and reinforces the importance of going inside daily - even if for only a few truly focused moments. That's my take anyway.

And there you have it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

greetings :) I was friends with your son Bryce in High School... I also follow SRF. Just wanted to reach out and say hi and send my love to you