Wednesday, September 19, 2012


I'm the President

E is for Election
I liked when this guy on the left said in his nomination acceptance speech that even HE was sick of hearing, "I approve of this message." I like to hear him talk, and I'm sick if it. I also liked how he pointed out that after all, he IS the press-O-dent! Has he been able to keep every campaign promise he made? No. Has he solved all our problems and changed the way politics happens? Nope. Is  he a man who has stayed calm, remained confident and kept going during one of the WORST times since the great depression? Yes. Did he cause all the job loss, the housing market crash, the bailouts, the wars we keep paying for in other countries? Of course not. Would someone else have done things differently. Probably.
I'll have to give you that one.
Now, this guy looks like someone who would likely be cast to PLAY the president in a movie, but that's no reason to elect him. He has made lots of money, we have to give him that. But before assigning smarts and savvy to his character for "making it" you have to remember, he comes from money and that's a leg up. It's not shocking he'd like to save he and his monied brethren lot's of money. People always put their own interests first. But, someone who thinks the middle class consists of taxpayers who earn $200,000 to $250,000 per year is clearly out of touch! That may be in his neighborhood, but not mine...or yours likely. I was further unimpressed when it came out that he was sitting around with the rich boys club and said the 47% of people who support his opponent "feel entitled to government handouts." How the @#$*! does he know how people other than himself feel?  Of course, he had to backpedal on both fronts, as he has had to do so regularly throughout this race. Paul Ryan is with him all the way. He talks without thinking - an even admitted to "making up" a lie about a marathon. He could at least be smart enough to know he'd be scrutinized and fact checked. Yet he wants to play it off like a mistake instead of a FABRICATION. That is not what I want for a Commander in Chief or his right hand man. I think that signals disengagement with ownership of your values. When you don't lie, or speak without thinking you don't have to backpedal. When you're authentic it shows. I don't see it on either of these two.

Look at the photo at the top once more. The body language says, "I'm me, I'm calm, I'm listening...I'm the President of the United States of America." Can't say that about the next photo. I don't have a stated party affiliation and rarely get into political anything. I do always watch both conventions to get a read on my very limited choices. I am personally fed up with a system that is broken. I don't think that even if either of them knew how to fix it the system would let them do so. But for now, I'd like to go with character, commitment and continued effort over disengaged, entitled, thoughtless missteps that require a clinic in backpedaling after.

And there you have it!

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