Friday, September 28, 2012


N is for nine.

Nine is my favorite number. I'm not sure how I first came to that conclusion. It was only MANY years after I'd been pledging my allegiance to the number nine did I get into studying a bit of numerology. 

Did you know that the number nine is mathematically magical? It's weird how it can take over other numbers when multiplied by it, then reduced to a single digit, because it will always be nine: 8 x 9 = 72, and 7 + 2 = 9, 15 x 9 = 135 (1+3+5=9). Try it with ANY number and the single digit number will always return to nine! 

Then, when you add nine to any other number, then reduce the sum to single digit, you'll be back where you started! Check this out: 3 + 9 = 12 (1 + 2 = 3). It's like the nine was never there. So the nine takes over the characteristics of any number multiplied by it, and may as well be invisible in the equation of any number added to it.

Numerologically speaking, the number nine is associated with humanitarian pursuits, social consciousness, compassion, idealism and overall, a drive to make the world a better place. When one is living in a number nine personal year it's the time to turn the page, finish what you've started, reap what you've sewn, and often invites people to pay attention to their inner world. A nine year is also a time for metaphysical studies and writing. Two things I have always been drawn toward. 

Number nine was considered sacred in ancient Egypt and Greece. Babies gestate for nine months. There are nine days of prayer in the Novenas. I could easily list nine more  instances where great minds have attributed deep meaning and significance to the number  nine, but I'll stop there. 

I've been all about the number nine since before I reached that age. Nine is mine!

And there you have it!

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