Sunday, September 23, 2012


Introspection by Nene Thomas
I is for introspection. Or maybe Intuition. 

Eastern spiritual teachers often ask disciples to develop the practice of daily meditation and introspection, the former to shut off the senses in order to tap into spirit, and the latter to see what you are becoming and if you like the direction you're taking. It's tough to examine oneself dispassionately and face real or imagined shortcomings. But, if one makes a sincere effort they may become aware of some habit or character flaw that is holding them back. From there, one can resolve to replace wrong attitude or behavior with the opposite right minded action.

This is wise counsel and would likely be a great benefit to anyone who would employ it in practice. But, how many people do you suppose practice honest introspection daily, if ever? Even if one should sincerely desire to take an honest look at his or her actions, motivations, feelings, progress, or likely is any human to be truly objective at self assessment?

I think that's where intuition comes into play. If one is truly able to quiet the busy mind and reflect honestly on their motivations, actions, reactions, interactions, energy levels, and general states of consciousness daily, chances are you're dealing with an already fairly spiritually advanced individual. And in my experience, people who have made a true spiritual effort have also tapped into their intuition (a priori, direct perception or knowing not based on reasoning). Perhaps the way around an ego debate with oneself  – looking to justify anything other than right minded, even temperament, kindness, and right activity – is to let intuition be your guide. All of us have within ourselves answers and knowledge that we can access and rely on at any given moment. You have to decide to look.

And there you have it!

May we reach our Home by following the inner light.
                                        ~Paramahansa Yoganandya

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